First Visit

The basic mission of the paediatric ophthalmologist is to monitor the development of vision from the moment of birth until the end of adolescence.

The assessment of children’s vision is very different from that of adults and varies from age to age. Good communication with the child, knowledge, experience and appropriate child-friendly equipment are essential.

The examination of the child at the Pediatric Ophthalmology of Greece checks the child’s vision as a whole. Ophthalmologically, optometrically and orthoptically.

More specifically:

  • Whether the child can distinguish details and at what distances (visual acuity).
  • Whether the child can correctly perceive the surrounding space (peripheral vision).
  • Whether the child has an age-related refractive disorder. 
  • (hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism)
  • If the child sees colours (colour perception) and if he/she perceives the contrasts of colours in different lighting conditions (contrast sensitivity).
  • Whether the child’s eyes work together harmoniously and whether they see three-dimensionally (strabismus, nystagmus, convergence insufficiency, other oculomotor disorders).
  • If there are organic lesions on the surface or inside the child’s eyes (fundus).
  • If intraocular pressure is at normal levels (glaucoma).
  • If the child reacts immediately to unexpected daily hazards (visual reflexes).
  • If the child can understand what he/she sees and where what he/she sees is located (visual perception)
  • Whether the child is ready to cope with visual school challenges, on entry to school and throughout their school life (school readiness).