Strabismus & Nystagmus Department

In the strabismus / nystagmus department, every type of strabismus and nystagmus, in children & adults, as well as diplopia, is treated clinically or surgically. The clinical and surgical experience of our scientific staff, with clinical examinations exceeding 25,000 patients and 10,000 surgical operations to its credit, guarantees the best result.


Στραβισμός σημαίνει ότι τα μάτια του ασθενή δεν εστιάζονται συγχρόνως πάνω στον ίδιο στόχο. Υπάρχουν πολλοί τύποι στραβισμού όπως ο συγκλίνων, ο αποκλίνων,  ο κάθετος, ενώ κάποιοι από αυτούς (ιδιαίτερα σε μεγάλα παιδιά και ενήλικες) μπορεί να συνοδεύονται και από διπλωπία.


Nystagmus means that the patient’s eyes show a continuous rhythmic movement, which blurs his vision.

The causes of both strabismus and nystagmus vary, as do their treatment methods.


The patient with diplopia sees the targets double and faces many daily problems (difficulty in balance and movement, hand-eye coordination, driving, etc.). Solutions with special glasses, exercises or special surgical interventions can relieve the patient immediately.